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Reduce Your Risk of Fractures with Prolia

Reduce Your Risk of Fractures with Prolia

Osteoporosis literally means “porous bones.” Because bones make up the supporting structure of your body, the last thing you want them to be is porous and weak. Unfortunately, if you have osteoporosis, your bones are weak.

Porous, weak bones are more susceptible to fracture, including dangerous hip fractures. Hip fractures are more likely as you age. Elderly patients who break a hip often must move to assisted living facilities. More than a third may die within a year of the fracture. 

At the Rheumatology Center of New Jersey, our osteoporosis specialists want you and your bones to remain healthy, strong, and whole. In addition to recommending calcium supplements, vitamin D, and weight-bearing exercise, we also now offer Prolia® injections to make your bones denser and more resistant to fracture.

Is Prolia the right choice for you? Let’s find out.

Do you want to reduce your risk of a spine fracture?

In a three-year study of 7,393 women, only 2.3% of those who took Prolia had spine fractures. Of those who were on placebo, 7.2% had fractures. That means that women on Prolia reduced their risk for a fracture by 68%.

Do you want a more effective treatment than bisphosphonates?

In a one-year study of 500 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, those who switched from alendronate (a bisphosphonate) to Prolia had greater increases in bone mineral density (BMD) than those who stayed on alendronate. 

Those on Prolia saw significant BMD increases in both their hips and their spines.

Do you want to avoid another bottle of pills?

With Prolia, you don’t have to add another bottle to your supplements or remember to take it at certain times or with certain foods. And you don’t have to inject yourself. Prolia is an injection that you get at our office every six months. 

Do you want to stop your bone loss?

When you have osteoporosis, it’s not a static condition. Your bones are actively attacked by bone-removing cells that take bone cells and minerals out of your bones, making them more porous and brittle.

Whether you're a man or a woman, Prolia stops those bone-removing cells from entering your bones. Prolia works with your body to keep your bones denser.

Do you want support for your bones?

Prolia developed an app called Bone Matters® that helps you remember when it’s time to schedule a Prolia injection. The app is also filled with bone-supporting tips, such as:

And, of course, our team at the Rheumatology Center of New Jersey is here for you, too. Not everyone can take Prolia. If you have a weakened immune system, you may not be a good candidate for Prolia.

Take charge of osteoporosis and start building your bones and maintaining their density by contacting your nearest Rheumatology Center of New Jersey office today. We have locations in Somerville, Flemington, and Monroe, New Jersey.

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