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The 5 Best and Worst Foods for Those Managing Arthritis Pain

While the cure for arthritis eludes medical science, there are many potent treatments for the condition. Chief among these are avoiding foods that exacerbate joint pain and eating foods that reduce it. Here are the five worst and best foods for arthritis and joint pain.

Foods to Avoid

Trans Fats

Trans fats should be avoided since they can trigger or worsen inflammation and are very bad for your cardiovascular health. Trans fats come in most processed foods such as cookies, crackers, doughnuts and fast food. On labels, they are referred to as “partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.”


More than just a health trend, there are good reasons to avoid gluten. Chief among them is the connection between celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis. A recent study published in the Oxford Journal of Rheumatology states that 41 percent of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis improve on gluten-free diets.

Refined Carbs & White Sugar

Simple carbs and refined sugar have earned themselves a bad name over the last few years, and for good reason. These are nutrient-free toxins that the body has very little use for. They exacerbate inflammation, and the food products that contain they tend to come with other of enders like trans fats.

Processed & Fried Foods

Fried foods are overcooked and have had all or most of their nutrients destroyed. They also contain many known carcinogens. Many foods that come fried also contain a number of heavily processed ingredients. All of these will cause inflammation by triggering the body’s defense mechanisms, which will set of an arthritic flare-up.

Foods to Pursue


Nuts are a great source of protein for vegetarians. They also contain magnesium, zinc, vitamin-E as well as the immune booster alpha-linolenic

acid. They are also an easy way to get the protein you need to keep your digestive tract healthy, and they are very filling.

Garlic & Onions

Loaded with immune-boosting properties, garlic and onions are the superhero duo of the produce section. Studies have shown that those who eat foods in the allium family, such as garlic and onions, exhibit fewer signs of osteoarthritis and joint pain.


Another great source of protein and fiber, beans are an excellent way to replace many filer foods that worsen joint pain and the conditions associated with it. Beans are rich in folic acid, zinc, iron and potassium— all of which are known to have important immune-boosting properties.

Citrus Fruit

Sweet, refreshing and delicious, oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes are also valuable allies in the fight against joint pain. Not only are they rich in life-saving vitamin C, but they are also an ideal substitute for those who love sweets.

Green Tea

Known for its many health-promoting benefits, green tea can also help turn the tide against arthritic conditions. Loaded with powerful antioxidants and polyphenols, green tea reduces inflammation and slows the process of cartilage deterioration.

To learn more, get in touch with the arthritis and joint pain experts at The Rheumatology Center of New Jersey

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